Июль, 2002
№ 3 (83)
July, 2002
    International Youth Camp - Troitsk'2002

Language Classes at Bytic Foundation

This is me!
Micha from Mars

Меня зовут Миша Сейринг. Мне 150 лет. Я прилетел с Марса. Я нигде не учусь. В нашей семье 3 с половиной человека. Я люблю оттянуться.
My name is Micha Seiring. I am 150 years old. I am from Mars. I am no student. There are 3and a half people in our family. I am fond of relaxing
I would like to tell you about my school, university, parents, friends, my pet, airplane flight, Troitsk impressions, Opening Ceremony but I am an agent of secret mission on Earth so it's a top secret.