Декабрь, 2001
№ 3 (80)
December, 2001
Bytic's Archives

Many, many years ago (in 1988-96) Bytic organized a lot of teachers exchanges with Computer Using Education, Inc. (California, Bay Area). There is one more impression about that.

A Little Bit like Brodsky

To Charlotte McGovern and CUE, Inc.

Рines, bines and sealions!
Gulls are crying, birds are flying!
I am fine to the nines,
get the rhyme from the Nine.
I don't need to stay in line
buying things from Calvin Klein:
I'll find very fine
satisfying best design.
I don't mind drinking wine,
dine fine - uр to dying,
having been in the sunshine,
dreaming Oakland to be mine!
By Konstantin Ryazanov.
California, 1992, 1994.

Комментарии для русскоязычного читателя:
A Little Bit like Brodsky - легкая ирония автора по поводу недоумения: как может русский писать стихи по-английски и получить за это Нобелевскую!? Оказалось - достаточно туда приехать;
Computer Using Educators (CUE) - ассоциация учителей, использующих компьютеры в обучении;
to the nines - до предела, в полной степени;
the Nine - девять Муз;
having been in the sunshine - получая удовольствие, пьянея, "балдея" (жаргон).
