Июль, 2002
№ 3 (83)
July, 2002
    International Youth Camp - Troitsk'2002

Language Classes at Bytic Foundation

This is me!
Daniel Foelsch

Меня зовут Даниел Фёльш. Мне 17 лет. Я приехал из Германии. Я учусь в гимназии. В нашей семье 3 человек. Я увлекаюсь пинг-понг, встречами с друзьями.
My name is Daniel Foelsch. I am 17 years old. I am from Germany. I am studying at von-Buelow-Gymnasium. There are 3 people in our family. I am fond of tabletennis, meeting with friends.
And now I would like to tell you about my city. I live in Muehlberg. It is a little village near Erfurt. We can find this city in the green heart of Germany, Thueringen. I am in the 12 class and the subjects that I most like are maths and physics. I live with my parents and have also a cat and a bird. That I am.